Taking Part

This page explains the BIG BOSS study for people who might be interested in joining.


We are recruiting children aged between 8 and 15 years old with a Stable Severe SCFE.

Patient Information

If you are considering taking part please follow the links below for more information about what will happen if you decide to take part:

More information

What to expect

For those who agree to take part, the only way to compare the treatments fairly is to create two groups of children who are the same. You can’t choose the treatment, and neither can the doctors, otherwise the groups would not be equal. When we have groups of patients who are as identical as possible, we can then compare them fairly in terms of outcomes.


    1. Children will have an operation under a general anaesthetic. Whilst asleep, children have surgery to improve the shape and stabilise the hip with screw(s).


    2. Children will have an operation under a general anaesthetic. Whilst asleep, children have surgery to stabilise the hip with screw(s) without correcting the deformity.


    All children will be followed-up in hospital, and receive rehabilitation according to the usual practice of the treating hospital, which will include advice about moving the hip, and may include physiotherapy.

    We will follow up all children by text or email for two-years to monitor function. They will also be asked about pain, if they needed any more surgery, school attendance, any complications, the number of hospital visits, their quality of life, and costs that you may have incurred and satisfaction.

Videos explaining more about clinical research

To find out more about what we mean by research, please watch the following videos:

What is a trial?

Why do we do Trials?

Consent and Assent

Who is in a research team?